Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fabulous Fall Jewelry

Jewelry and accessories are a great part of an outfit. They can make or break an outfit. This year, neons and rubber bracelets are out. The new look is teal, silver and gold, for a more mature and fashionable look. I have five pieces of jewelry, to give you some ideas on what great accessories you want for fall this year!

1) Necklaces with animals and symbols are a great way to go. They create a mature yet mysterious and chic look. Whether it's an owl or the Eiffel Tower, a great necklace is eye catching and fashionable too!

2) Bangles are another great accessory. There are so many colors to choose from! Well let me be the first to tell you that you can kiss the oranges and yellows goodbye and eliminate them while picking a few out. Why? Colors like that clash with outfits and it makes you look non-collected. I do love color, but color means having flowers on your blouse not neon skinny jeans. When choosing which one of these Indian bracelets you like, choose silver, it goes with almost everything! 

3) Dangling earrings can add a lot to an outfit, depending on what you're wearing. However, sometimes simpler is better. If you're sporting a blouse then don't wear a pair of your cutest silver hoops! It takes away from the shape of the blouse rather than adding something that it would add to a flow top, per say. Something like little diamonds, or even tiny little bows, will do just fine and look super cute!

4) Bracelets and flow tops are like peanut butter and jelly, a perfect pair. However,the fad of big breast cancer bracelets is out. Something like a charm bracelet from pandora or a tiny silver little bracelet of any style is a better, more mature, look. It adds a chic element to the outfit. 

5) Starting into middle school is the start of some more mature jewelry, like rings. Again, using the amazing colors of gold and silver, there are rings out there dying to get with an outfit! Pick out a medium sized ring that's, of course, gold and silver for an outfit of yours this year. With rings, abstract styles like a funky twist of a dotted oval are the best choice. See who you attract this year!

Find your forte in jewelry and what will help you spice up a great outfit! You'll be cool, chic, and unstoppable!

This bracelet is made specially. 
These earrings are from Claire's.

This ring is from Claire's.

This necklace is from Forever 21
These bangles are from Target.

-The Jeweled-Up Lizard

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